Time booking

You can only book an appointment if you have first placed an order.


Fyrvallavägen 2, 831 39 Östersund

Health check in Östersund with Veronicare

In an exclusive collaboration with Veronicare, our reliable sampling partner in Östersund, we now offer comprehensive and affordable health checks. Our priority is to provide services that are not only financially accessible but also meticulously executed. With our health checks, you get a detailed evaluation of your health where we focus with great commitment on improving and maintaining your well-being. Discover the security of knowing more about your health with our thorough and cost-effective tests.

  • Test results: Your test results will be available within 1-5 business days. This means that you can see your test answers at www.testmottagningen.se within the specified time frame.

  • Personalized physician commentary: When you receive your test results, they will be accompanied by a personalized physician commentary. This comment can help you understand the results and what they mean for your health.

  • Seriously outliers: If your test results show seriously outliers, a by the doctor at the test clinic to call you. This is to give you immediate attention and possible guidance about the next step in your care or treatment.

Health checks that can be done at the reception

Health check - Female

1 795 kr

Health check - Man

1 795 kr

Health check Large
General health check

1 995 kr1 890 kr

Woman Plus
Max health check

4 595 kr4 129 kr

Health check man plus
Comprehensive health check

4 595 kr4 129 kr

Ordinary health check

795 kr

Independent health check
Health check on your terms

1 495 kr


You can only book an appointment if you have first placed an order:

1. Select the desired reception when you place your order at checkout.

2. When you have received your order confirmation, you can go in and book an appointment at your chosen reception under "locations" in the menu.

Your referral will only be available at the reception you book an appointment at if you have completed your purchase.

If you have already received your order confirmation, you can proceed to the booking below.

See available times