Rubella antibodies

Rubella IgG antibodies

Rubella IgG antibodies are a marker that indicates immunity to the rubella virus, either through previous infection or vaccination. IgG antibodies play an important role in the body's long-term defense against rubella (rubella), a disease that is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and the child.

What are Rubella IgG antibodies

Rubella IgG antibodies are specific immunoglobulins that the body produces in response to exposure to the rubella virus. The production occurs either after a natural infection or via vaccination and creates the conditions for long-term protection with the aim of preventing re-infection. Rubella infection better known as rubella is a disease that can cause serious consequences for a fetus if a pregnant woman becomes infected, the presence of IgG antibodies is therefore an important identification for immunity that protects both the carrier and the unborn child from the harmful effects of the virus.

Why are IgG antibodies analyzed for Rubella?

An analysis of IgG antibodies against rubella is carried out to determine an individual's immunity status. Usually, the analysis is carried out as part of a screening test for women planning to become pregnant. By measuring the IgG concentration, it can be determined whether a person has a protective immune system against the virus.

Vaccination and IgG response

Vaccination against rubella (rubella) is an effective measure to prevent the disease and induces the production of IgG antibodies. Through vaccination, a weakened form of the rubella virus is introduced into the body, which causes the immune system to produce antibodies. A strong IgG response after vaccination indicates successful immunization and an increased ability to fight infection should the individual be exposed to the virus in the future.

What does a positive rubella IgG test result mean?

A high concentration of IgG antibodies against rubella indicates that a person has established protection against the rubella virus. It may indicate a previous infection or that the person has been successfully vaccinated. High levels of IgG indicate a strong and long-lasting immune response, which is essential to prevent infection, especially during pregnancy, to protect against rubella syndrome in the fetus.

Tests containing the marker Rubella IgG antibodies

Fertility tests

Fertility tests

IVF screening
Screening infectious diseases

IVF screening

  • Fertility screening.
  • Analysis for infectious diseases.
  • Designed for IVF treatment

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