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GT, gamma

GT, gamma, is an enzyme that the body uses to break down amino acids. If liver or biliary tract disease is suspected, the GT value can be measured.

What is GT – gamma-glutamyltransferase?

GT is a cell membrane-bound enzyme that is mainly found in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. GT, gamma-glutamyltransferase, ALP (alkaline phosphatases), AST and ALT are markers that can measure liver values together.

What do elevated and high GT values mean?

High levels of GT in the blood can indicate liver damage and should be monitored if liver or biliary tract diseases are suspected. Elevated GT levels are seen in diseases such as biliary obstruction, liver cancer, pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

Lower elevated levels may be due to infectious hepatitis, hepatic steatosis, diabetes, obesity, high alcohol consumption and certain medications.

An elevated GT level should be assessed together with other liver parameters.

Tests containing the marker GT, gamma

Health checks

Health checks

Health check pregnant
  • Health check for you who are pregnant.
  • Analysis of 28 relevant health markers.
  • Identifies gestational diabetes.
  • Analysis of sex hormones and the thyroid gland.

1 695 kr

Heart specialist's cholesterol profile
  • Health check with heart specialist.
  • Statement by a specialist in cardiology.
  • Analysis of your cholesterol profile, blood fats.
  • Consultation for possible treatment is included.

1 795 kr795 kr

Health check - Alcohol
Alcohol and liver tests

Health check - Alcohol

  • Measures your alcohol consumption over time.
  • Analysis of markers that control liver function
  • Private result, not shared with healthcare record.

619 kr

Health check - Female


  • Health check designed for women.
  • Includes a total of 48 health markers.
  • Gives you information about your overall health.
  • Can identify early signs of health problems.

1 795 kr

Health check - Man


  • Health check designed for you as a man
  • Includes a total of 45 health markers
  • Gives you knowledge about your general state of health
  • Can identify early signs of health problems

1 795 kr

Independent health check
Health check on your terms

Independent health check

  • Analysis of 46 health markers.
  • For control of vital health areas.
  • Self-referral without a doctor.

1 495 kr

Health check Large
  • Health check - Large.
  • Analysis of 52 health markers.
  • Helps you identify outliers.

1 995 kr1 795 kr

Health check man plus
Comprehensive health check

Health check man plus

  • Comprehensive health check for men.
  • Includes 65 different health tests.
  • Provides insight into your health data.
  • 10 different health areas.

4 595 kr3 795 kr

Woman Plus
Max health check

Woman Plus

  • Extended health screening for women.
  • 65 different health tests are included.
  • Several markers of hormonal balance.

4 595 kr3 795 kr

Liver Check Test
  • Health check for your liver function
  • Analysis of relevant liver markers
  • Get more insight into your liver health

239 kr



  • Measuring your gamma-glutamyltransferase value.
  • Gives insight into how your liver is doing.
  • Indication of possible liver disease.

59 kr